As parents, we are used to doing endless things for the well-being of our children… It’s normal, they need us to develop in every way. But children also have obligations that they have to fulfill towards their parents. We are not going into what the Civil Code says, but rather we are going to respond to it emotional duties that are not written, but that the heart knows must be fulfilled.
Even if you are an adult child, you must also comply with everything we mention here so that you comply with your parents. Don’t lose details, because if you don’t follow the rules, it’s imperative that you do it now to improve your relationships!
Being a father in real life is a spectacular way of life, but that entails a series of obligations that are not easy to fulfill. The motto has always been “Obey your parents while they remain under their power, and never forget that you must respect them.”
Legislation assigns to parents a series of requirements and obligations which they must fulfill with their children. They must watch over them, accompany them at all times, feed them, educate them and receive extensive training. Parents always contribute to the fulfillment of their obligations. When they are small, they fulfill their roles, but when they are adults, these kinds of obligations can become distorted. What happens when a child forgets his responsibilities?

Children’s Emotional Duties to Parents
Obligations of children towards parents:
- Your parents are not your friends, they are more important than any friendship.
- Trust your parents completely.
- Give them all the attention they need.
- Never judge their actions, they always act by thinking of their children first.
- Always respect them in all circumstances.
- Pay attention to what they tell us.
- Study to build a good future.
- Collaborate on household chores (because you don’t “help” in household chores, you work together as an active member of the family nucleus).
- Take care of them when they need it, in any context.
- Always involve them in your life.
- Teach them as they taught you.
- Do activities with them.
- Have empathy for them and understand them.
- Stand by your side, both in health and in sickness.
- Always be grateful to them.
- Avoid discussions or bad manners, communication can always be positive.
- Love them above all else.
Children also have responsibilities. no matter how old you are. As a great arrangement within a house it is important Don’t hurt anyone in the family. They also have the right to express negatively when something doesn’t seem right to them and even ask for help when needed. Given all the duties expressed, children should also waive their rights:
- They must love and be loved by parents.
- You must love both parents and have no preferences if they both raise us and love us equally.
- You have to express your feelings.
- They should feel safe.
- Don’t secretly criticize what one parent does to another.
- Don’t assume the worries and problems that parents can bring along.

Children’s emotional duties vary as they grow up
When children grow up, the emotional obligations are different. The roles have already changed, they are much older and the children in some cases take on the role of children and parents. This is a way to conquer both fields and where the children can now understand and learn many skills on their own that are very important for interacting with other people.
- At this stage we can treat them like friends. This is when the positions really become equal and it is when thoughts, experiences and feelings are shared.
- Trust is formalized. Now this feeling is growing because it is the time when we always seek support and also advice. This happens purely because the level of responsibilities is equal and their lives can run in parallel. There is also another important aspect, and that is that the decisions now will not be judged as they were before.
- Don’t judge our parents. This fact brings a lot of relief during the whole phase of a child. When children are young, they look up to their parents as heroes and heroines. However, when they enter adolescence, this fact changes completely and it is the young who cannot understand anything. When the adult stage is reached, parents may be further observed in a way that is unable to see what is happening around them and that needs to change.
- You have to trust them. They will always be our trusted people, many of them striving to be much better than their friends. Don’t we always go to the parents when something happens? Don’t we always seek advice? In most cases we always get support and advice. At this point we must not internalize that we will be judged, there must be trust.
- Respect them and give them attention. If there is respect from the moment a child is born, it must prevail from beginning to end. If our parents maintain that position, the children cannot break through that barrier. Children must obey what parents dictate. If we do it from a young age, it may also be a good way to fulfill our obligations as adults. Many of these aspects are much better understood when the children are to be parents.
As a son, do you fulfill all your obligations to your parents? If you’ve skipped one in your life, it’s better that you stick to them, and if you think there’s more to add, tell us which ones you think are important too!
#Childrens #Emotional #Duties #Parents #Mothers #Today