College financial aid

There are different financial aids for college students: the back-to-school allowance, college scholarships, the college social fund and the social fund for canteens. Know everything about these aids and how to benefit from them.

Back-to-school allowance

For the start of the 2022 school year, the amount of the back-to-school allowance is €413.69 per child aged 11 to 14.

Your resources for the year 2021 must not exceed:

  • €25,370 for a child,
  • €31,225 for two children,
  • €37,080 for three children,
  • €42,935 for four children.

The back-to-school allowance is paid directly by the family allowance funds (CAF) or the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA).

Parents of children aged 11 to 14 do not have to take any steps: the CAFs automatically pay the ARS to families already receiving benefits who meet the conditions.

Families who do not have a file with the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) can download their ARS application from the website

  • To go further on the subject of the back-to-school allowance, you can also consult the family allowances website .
  • More information on

college scholarships

Learn more about college scholarships

social funds

The college social fund

This fund is intended to quickly deal with difficult situations that may be experienced by families of secondary school students to meet the expenses of schooling and school life . This exceptional assistance can take the form of direct financial assistance or benefits in kind (half-board or boarding costs, miscellaneous supplies, etc.).

The decision to award aid is made by the head of the establishment after consulting the commission , chaired by him and made up of members of the educational community, student representatives and parents of students, if the student is educated in a public college, and by the rector of the academy, on the proposal of the head of the establishment for students in private education colleges under contract.

For any information, please contact the secretariat of the college attended by your child.

The social fund for canteens

This fund should enable middle school students from underprivileged backgrounds to use their establishment’s canteen . During the school year, the head of the establishment obtains the opinion of the board of directors on the criteria and methods to be used for the allocation of aid.

For further information, please contact the secretariat of the school attended by your child.

Aid from the region and the department

In addition to national scholarships, you can benefit from financial aid at the local level.

Municipalities, departments and regions grant scholarships to pupils and students.
These aids are part of the policy defined by the local authorities: they therefore vary from one municipality to another, or from one region to another.

We advise you to inquire directly with your municipality, your department and your region.

Find the contact details of your town hall or county council.

Right to error

During the annual college scholarship campaign, and in accordance with the ESSOC law n°2018-727 of August 10, 2018, in the event of an error made during your scholarship application, you have the possibility of regularizing your error on your own initiative. or within the required time after having been invited to do so by the administration concerned.

For example: you forgot to mention a change in situation (number of dependent children, cohabitation, etc.)? You now have the right to make mistakes, within the time limits prescribed by the administration. You can contact your child’s establishment to report the error and regularize your situation.

In the event of an error in your declarations to the CAF or tax services, contact these organizations in order to regularize your situation and send new supporting documents in addition to your grant application.

Please note: The right to make mistakes is not a right to delay: delays or omissions in reporting within the prescribed time limits do not fall within its scope.

The Sport Pass

The Pass’Sport is a  sports allowance of 50 euros per child  to finance all or part of their registration in a voluntary sports association and allow them to participate in the activities it organizes from September 2022 to June 2023.

The Pass’Sport is  an aid that can be combined  with the other aids put in place in particular by the communities.

Author: pauadu

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