Currently, when we are about to buy a bottle for our baby, we can find a large crowd of both bottles and teats, something that can be overwhelming. Making the best choice is very important so that your little one feels comfortable eating. Today we are going to talk about the best mixed breastfeeding bottle, besides explaining what this method of feeding the baby consists of.
What is needed for mixed breastfeeding? An anti-colic bottle? Large or small size? Which plastic, silicone, glass? There are many questions that make the most sense when looking for the best and when we are not aware of all the products that are offered to us.
What is mixed breastfeeding?
There may be certain circumstances where the child cannot get breast milksuch as medical problems or simply because the mother chose this nutritional model.
Mixed breastfeeding is a combination of breastfeeding and bottle feeding. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), breast-feeding should be done until the baby is at least 6 months old, but as we have just mentioned, it is not always possible to choose it.
Whether or not to breastfeed the little ones is every mother’s decisionit is not better or worse to choose one or the other type of food, that should be made clear from the start.
How does mixed breastfeeding work?
Surely those of you interested in knowing how mixed breastfeeding works have more than one question. Next, we will try to solve some of them.
If you opt for mixed breastfeeding, It is recommended to start breastfeeding first and then use the bottle with formula or breast milk. It is most normal to use a bottle for this feeding, but there are also other methods such as the finger probe, the breast probe, a glass, spoon, etc.
Advantages and disadvantages of mixed breastfeeding

As with any technique, choosing mixed breastfeeding has both good and bad things, we’ll find them out for you next.
Benefits of Mixed Breastfeeding
- The parents can take turns. The mother takes care of the breast milk and the other part of the bottle
- If you don’t want to breastfeed in public places, which is perfectly respectable, you can choose to bottle feed the baby
- It is perfect for those women who produce little milkas this form of breastfeeding helps the little one not to go hungry
Disadvantages of mixed breastfeeding
- The the bottle making process is a little more complexor that breastfeeding
- It may happen that the little one adapts to the teat of the bottle and refuses the breast
- Breastfeed less milk production is reducedand you may need to stop breastfeeding sooner than expected
Best Mixed Breastfeeding Bottle
As any parent knows, There is a wide variety of bottles and teats on the market, designed according to the needs of the little one.. In the case of mixed breastfeeding, there are also different models.
In this section we bring you one of the bottles that can give you the best results if you have opted for mixed breastfeeding. If you add something to it, make it a much better anti-colic bottle.
happymami baby bottle
When choosing mixed breastfeeding, it can happen, as mentioned earlier, that the little one is a bit surprised and even rejects it when switching from breast to bottle. This bottle we bring you, It is able to reproduce your anatomy, choose the size of your breasts, the type of nipple, the shape of the breast, the suction flow, the capacity of the container and the color.
It is a design bottle by mothers and for mothers.
Chicco natural feeling

As a second option, we bring you this bottle model from a brand that has been around for a long time. It is a high quality bottle with a slow flow teat and is also anti-colic, making it perfect for mixed breastfeeding.
The design of the teat is angled and round, so it is always full of milk., while simultaneously reducing air intake. This shape helps keep the baby in the right position for feeding.
To conclude, we would like to point out that mixed breastfeeding is also possible with expressed breast milk, which means that you can store your own milk in the bottle instead of bottle feeding. A very comfortable and useful breastfeeding option to make this process more bearable and longer lasting.
#Mixed #Feeding #Bottle