Life insurance comparison: the best life insurance in 2022

Life insurance comparison: the best life insurance in 2022

What is the best life insurance in 2022? To answer this question, we went through several dozen contracts in order to compare them. We focused on several criteria: reduced fees, accessible euro funds and units of account, management methods offered, etc. We have drawn a comprehensive life insurance comparison that should help you make the best choice.

Our selection of the best life insurance

In this article we will present and compare the best life insurance on the market. Wishing to compare like with like, we have segmented life insurance into four categories, as we explain later in the article .

For those in a hurry who wish to know the result of our study, here is a summary of the best life insurance by category:

  • The best life insurance on the market, all criteria combined (which we will call here “Multipurpose life insurance”)
  • Life insurance offered by online banks
  • Life insurance companies specializing in managed management
  • Life insurance companies specializing in advisory management

Why compare life insurance contracts?

Life insurance has the same legal characteristics…

As we explained in our guide to how life insurance works , all life insurance contracts work the same way. Let us briefly recall the main points:

  • Life insurance is an envelope managed by an insurance company , in which you can lodge cash. This money can be invested in vehicles such as euro funds and units of account. In the event of death, the life insurance is transferred to the beneficiary(ies) you have chosen or, failing that, to your legal heirs.
  • Life insurance is a liquid investment , since the money invested can be recovered at any time (except for a few rare life insurance policies which may require a period of around thirty days).
  • The capital invested in life insurance is not taxed, however the gains made (interest, capital gains, etc.) are subject to taxation when you recover the funds. Taxation depends on the age of the contract, and becomes optimal after 8 years.

These are the legal characteristics common to all contracts. In this case, why compare life insurance with each other? Isn’t it enough to take out life insurance from your banker?

… but do not all offer the same quality of service

Apart from their operation (which is the same for all contracts, as we have just seen) life insurance is far from being identical. They differ in particular by:

  • The rates they apply, which can range from single to triple
  • The supports they offer, first of all: euro funds and unit-linked
  • Management modes: free, piloted, advised, etc.

Indeed, insurers have great freedom to market their life insurance contracts. And not all of them are equal! Some apply very low fees and provide access to many supports, while others will be much more expensive and limited. In general, the life insurance policies offered by traditional network banks are the least attractive because of their prices (with the presence of hidden costs, etc.) and access to a limited number of supports. It is therefore necessary to compare life insurance policies with each other.

Remember also that life insurance is not transferable! That is to say that you cannot change contracts along the way without losing the anteriority of the old one (knowing that life insurance benefits from optimal taxation after 8 years of detention) . Selecting the best life insurance from the right institution from the start is therefore particularly important.

How to choose your life insurance? Opt for the best rates, access to good euro and unit-linked funds, a quality insurer… We explain all this in a previous study, in which we give advice and criteria for choosing the right life insurance contract. You can consult it:


How to choose your life insurance
and which life insurance to choose?

In this article we have decided to “get our hands dirty” by going through the commercial documents of the main life insurance companies on the market in order to compare them.

The opinion of the JepargneEnLigne team

The number of life insurance per person is not limited, you can open as many as you want. Some savers do not hesitate to open several for more diversification (different insurers, access to several euro funds which will evolve differently over time, benefit from the state guarantee of €70,000 for each contract, etc.).

Do you think it’s not the right time to open a life insurance policy yet? Nothing prevents you from subscribing to one with a few hundred euros in order to take a date and take advantage of the tax advantages as soon as possible.

Comparison of the best life insurance in 2022

There are a multitude of life insurances, as you can see in the list at the end of the article . After having studied them one by one, we have selected the best of them in order to compare them together.

Note that some contracts have specificities that will suit a certain category of savers. In order not to mix cabbage and carrots, we have segmented our life insurance comparison into 4 categories.

Category 1 – The best life insurance on the market . These are the ones that charge the lowest fees, provide access to good euro and unit-linked funds, offer several management methods… In other words, versatile contracts that will suit the majority of savers. They are generally offered by independent brokers on behalf of an insurer ( for Aviva, for Swiss Life, Linxea for Suravenir, etc.).

Category 2 – Life insurance offered by online banks . These contracts are slightly more expensive and less comprehensive than those in the previous category. But the advantage of an online bank is that it allows you to open many savings, payment and financing services: bank account, savings account, life insurance, securities account and PEA, credit consumption or real estate… Some savers will appreciate being able to manage everything from a single customer area.

Category 3 – Life insurance under managed management . Some contracts have specialized in managed management (or management under mandate), which consists of a saver entrusting the management of his life insurance to a professional. The latter is responsible for maximizing the return taking into account the investor’s risk profile.

Category 4 – Life insurance under advisory management . Halfway between free and controlled management, advised management leaves savers the freedom to make their own choices while guiding them in their choices.

Comparison of the best life insurance on the market

logo-evolution-vie logo-linxea
Features of life insurance
Contract name


Placement Direct Vie

Evolution Vie

Linxea Future

Insurer CNP Suravenir Aviva Suravenir
Type of Contract Individual Individual Collective Individual
Minimum to be paid at opening 1 000€ 500€ 500€ 100€
Supports disponibles
Euro funds and 2021 performance

net of management fees

EasyVie Euros

From +1.10% to +2.20%

bonus according to part invested in units

Swiss Life General Assets

From +0.8% to +2.48%

bonus according to outstanding amount
and part invested in units

Aviva Active Guarantee

From +1.31% to +2.62%

bonus according to part invested in units

Suravenir Opportunities


Suravenir Performance

+1.30% to +1.60%

Units of account (UA)

241 UC

including 40 ETFs
and 6 real estate funds

1 300 UC

including 60 ETFs
and 13 real estate funds.

90 UC

including 4 real estate funds.

600 UC

including 81 ETFs
and 20 real estate funds.

Proposed management methods Free management or
horizon management
Free management or
management under mandate
Free management or
management under mandate
Free management or
management under mandate
Opening / closing costs





Management fees on UA

0.65% to 0.85%

according to outstanding


(0.8% on ETFs and live stocks)



Fees on payment





Arbitration fees





Learn more Full review on
Full review on
Placement Direct Vie
Evolution Life Review
Learn more about
Linxea Avenir

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EasyVie is a new life insurance policy offered by EasyBourse, the La Banque Postale group’s online broker. This offer will primarily interest investors who can thus access all French tax envelopes within the same establishment: securities account, PEA and life insurance. EasyVie is also suitable for savers looking for a good-quality life insurance policy from a reputable establishment. EasyVie is our favorite of the moment!

Placement Direct Vie is one of the most comprehensive life insurance contracts on the market , with more than 1,300 units of account and a well-made euro fund. The euro fund is subsidized according to the share in units of account and the outstanding amount (if the outstanding amount is greater than €250k, which is not given to everyone).

Evolution Vie is also a great policy run by Aviva , one of the UK’s largest insurance companies. Its great strength is its Aviva Actif Garanti euro fund, which is one of the best euro funds on the market .. Indeed, it is one of the few that can be 100% invested (the majority of good euro funds require the saver to invest part of the payments in Units of Account). However, if you intend to invest more than 50% of your outstandings in unit-linked funds, be aware that the return of Aviva Active Guaranteed may be multiplied by x2. This is currently the best bonus system for a euro fund (only the Placement-Direct Vie euro fund can exceed it, but under stricter conditions: unit-linked share > 60% and outstandings of more than €250k ). The only drawback is that there are no ETFs (trackers) in this life insurance , while among its unit-linked. However, Evolution Vie stands out for its 4 quality real estate funds.

Linxea Avenir is in line with the best life insurance  : very low rates, many units of account, two good euro funds. We regret, however, that these euro funds have unit-linked investment constraints (minimum 30% in UC to access Suravenir Rendement and 50% for Suravenir Opportunities) without a bonus system in return.

Placement Direct


Perlib, slightly higher costs but quality support

It is difficult to maintain perfect objectivity when we select the best life insurance to be included in our comparison. As such, we have opted for contracts that do not apply any entry or payment fees; but wouldn’t a slightly more expensive life insurance that would offer an excellent support service deserve its place in our ranking?

We introduced you to Perlib , an online broker that sells contracts from renowned insurers such as SwissLife and Aviva  : see our review of Perlib . Although Perlib life insurance policies are much cheaper than traditional contracts, their fees are slightly higher than those of Placement Direct Vie, Evolution Vie and Linxea… This is the reason why we did not include it in our ranking. .

But that would be to forget the advantage of Perlib: that of having a team of competent advisers who take the time to discuss their situations with their clients, answer their questions, and if necessary direct them towards the savings solution. best suited. A significant advantage when looking for tailor-made support . An opinion that seems to be shared by its customers:


Furthermore, Perlib offers a very generous welcome bonus: up to 500 euros offered.

The best life insurance from online banks

Fortune logo
Features of life insurance
Contract name

Boursorama Life

Fortuneo Life

Bforbank Life

Insurer General Suravenir Spirica
Type of Contract Individual Collective Collective
Minimum to be paid at opening 300€ 100€ 1 000€
Reserved for bank customers Oui Non Non
Supports disponibles
Euro funds and 2021 performance

net of management fees

Euro Exclusive




Suravenir Opportunities


Suravenir Performance

+1.30% to +1.60%

Euro Dolcea Vie


Units of account (UA)

400 UC

including 38 shares
18 ETFs
and 4 real estate funds.

200 UC

including 9 real estate funds.

41 UC

including 8 real estate funds.

Proposed management methods Free management or
management under mandate
Free management or
management under mandate
Free management or
management under mandate
Opening / closing costs




Management fees on UA




Fees on payment




Arbitration fees



except on ETFs: 0.1%


Learn more Full review on
Boursorama Vie
Fortuneo Life Review
Full review of
Bforbank Life

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Boursorama Vie is a well-made contract , giving access to numerous units of account and to the Euro Exclusif euro fund (accessible at 100%) which has always generated above-average returns. You must be a Boursorama customer to access this life insurance.

Fortuneo Vie is a good contract that gives euro funds more efficient than those of Boursorama Vie. But it is less supplied in ETFs (or trackers) , and above all applies arbitration fees of 0.1% on the latter… Too bad! Note that it is possible to subscribe to Fortuneo life insurance without having to open a bank account. The bank will simply open a “deposit account without means of payment” which will be used to fund your contract.

Bforbank life is more expensive and less complete than its competitors. This contract is not flamboyant, but could be practical for those who are already customers of Bforbank. Indeed, online banking is renowned for its other banking offers: current account, bank book, and especially securities account and PEA.

Fortune logo

Comparison of online life insurance policies with 100% managed management

logo-bad activeseed-logo-petit
Features of life insurance
Contract name


Nalo Wealth Life

Yomoni Vie

ActiveSeed Vie

Insurer APICIL savings General Suravenir General
Type of Contract Individual Individual Collective Individual
Number of profiles offered 100 Infinity

Custom Profile

10 15
2021 performance, according to profile Up to 26.14% for the risky profile SRI management: from -0.9% to +12.9%
Traditional management: from +0.8% to +17.8%
Classic management: from +1.2% to +22.7% Traditional management: from +2.04% to +10.03%
SRI management: from +2.43% to +11.65%
Health management: from +2.55% to +7.83%
Manager Ramified Also Bad ActiveSeed
Opening / closing costs





Management fees, all inclusive


introductory offer !




Learn more Full Ramify Review Full
Nalo Review
The bird completes sur
ActiveSeed Review

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Yomoni is the pioneer of 100% management-driven online life insurance managers , commonly known as robo-advisors. Fintech has performed well, and each time better than the market. Over the year 2020, the performance of all its profiles was positive: from +2.5% to +8.1%, which is admirable given the upheavals of the health crisis.

Nalo is also a very good robo-advisor , and Yomoni’s most serious competitor. Nalo offers 2 management methods: standard management (investment in traditional shares) and eco-responsible management (investment in ecological and ESG companies). Standard management is more aggressive than that of Yomoni: it tends to do better when the markets are up, and less well when they are falling; 2020 has not been very good for this manager. On the other hand, eco-responsible management is doing well, having invested in companies that are resilient in the face of the crisis and very promising. Its performance is exceptional: up to +22.8%!

ActiveSeed is a robo-advisor that we recently discovered… Although it has been around since 2015! Very discreet compared to the other two players (we remember the Yomoni advertising signs in the Paris metro), he would benefit from being better known because his offer is very good. It offers life insurance in management under mandate with a choice between several themes: Standard management, Eco-responsible (SRI) and Health-Biotechnology. It is also the cheapest asset manager to our knowledge: 1.55%/year all-inclusive management fees.

Placement-Direct Vie also offers managed management , but there is a nuance to be given: the contract has recently changed. Previously it was Darjeeling. Even if the broker has kept the same profiles, we don’t know if we can rely on the old results…

Comparison of life insurance
under discretionary management (managed management)

Comparison of online life insurance in advised management

There are few life insurance policies with advised management, and even fewer that are worth taking an interest in (we only found traditional life insurance policies, which are very expensive). In fact we found only one: it is Mon Petit Placement.

Mon Petit Placement is a 100% digital platform that allows you to invest in various portfolios made up of handpicked UCITS. One of the great strengths of fintech is that it offers personalized support to its customers. They are free to invest as they wish, while benefiting from advice provided by investment professionals.

By subscribing to Mon Petit Placement, you actually open a life insurance contract whose insurer is Apicil. Like all life insurance online, this contract applies very low rates : no payment fees and only 0.5% management fees on the envelope. Fintech, on the other hand, is remunerated solely on your earnings. To find out more, you can consult our complete study on Mon Petit Placement


Rating given



Online life insurance companies are also beginning to gradually develop advisory management. EasyVie, for example, offers portfolios pre-established by experts according to risk. Indeed, before subscribing to EasyVie, you answer a questionnaire on your investment objectives and your sensitivity to risk, and the robo-advisor will recommend one of their standard portfolios. You then have the choice of following the management recommended or not offered by La Banque Postale Asset Management. An alert service will inform you of the evolution of your contract and will advise you on arbitrations. You can learn more on our EasyVie review .

Frequently asked questions about the best life insurance online

What is the best life insurance?

It depends on what you are looking for, as not all life insurance will necessarily be suitable for your needs. We have identified 4 main categories of contracts, each with their champion:

Category 1: versatile life insurance policies that offer the best euro and unit-linked funds at reduced costs. The best in this category is Placement Direct Vie.

Category 2: online banking life insurance, ideal for those who want to manage all their investments from a single space. The best contract to date is Boursorama Vie.

Category 3: life insurance under managed management. Tied: Yomoni and Nalo

Category 4: life insurance in advised management: Mon Petit Placement

What criteria should be used to choose the best life insurance?

The main criteria are:

  • Expenses
  • Access to a good euro fund and a sufficient number of units of account
  • The strength of the insurer

We detail all this in our article which life insurance to choose?

Why go through a life insurance comparison?

Comparing contracts will allow you to make an informed selection of the life insurance best suited to your needs. Knowing that life insurance is not transferable, you will have it for several years. Better to choose it right from the start!

Author: pauadu

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