Scholarship based on social criteria, merit aid, mobility aid, allowance, there are many aids for the financing of higher education. To withdraw the files on these aids, a privileged interlocutor: the Crous (Regional Center for University and School Works).

The most common scholarships and grants are:
- The BCS (scholarships based on social criteria) are granted to people aged 28 and over for a first request depending on the parents’ income, the number of dependent children, the distance between home and the place of study, the diploma prepared and the nationality. To benefit from it, the student must attend classes and exams, and progress normally in his studies. The amount varies: from the sole exemption from registration fees (€170 for the licence) to approximately €5,965 over 10 months. Supplements can be allocated, for example for transport costs. Grant holders based on social criteria have priority in the allocation of CROUS student accommodation .
- The merit aid is a supplement paid to BCS scholarship holders who have obtained the mention “very good” in the baccalaureate. Its amount is 900 € for graduates.
- The Erasmus + allowance is awarded to students carrying out part of their studies in Europe as part of an inter-establishment exchange. Information from the international relations department of his establishment 6 to 12 months in advance. This aid can be combined with the BCS.
- The aid for international mobility, in the amount of €400 per month, is a supplement paid to BCS scholarship holders for study stays abroad of between 2 and 9 consecutive months. Contact the international relations department of your establishment, which selects the students. The aid is paid by the establishment. It can be combined with merit aid.
- The Parcoursup mobility aid, in the amount of €500, is granted to high school students with scholarships in 2021/2022 who change academy when entering higher education. The aid is paid in one installment in September. It can be combined with a scholarship based on social criteria, an annual allowance or one-off aid, aid for international mobility and aid based on merit. The request can be made on the Parcoursup Mobility Assistance website.
- The master’s mobility aid , in the amount of €1,000, is intended for scholarship students holding a bachelor’s degree and enrolled in M1 in a region other than the one where they began their course.
- The specific annual allowance for students in difficulty is intended for young people in a situation of proven autonomy who no longer benefit from the material support of their parents and who, for some, cannot benefit from a scholarship based on social criteria. Beneficiaries are exempt from payment of registration fees. This allowance is paid throughout the academic year for 10 months. Its amount corresponds to one of the levels of scholarships based on social criteria. It can be combined with international mobility aid and merit aid.
- The Talent grants are intended for the most deserving students wishing to prepare for a competition giving access to management positions in the public service. The amount of the scholarship is €4,000 for students enrolled in a Talents preparatory class and €2,000 for people preparing for a competition outside of a Talents preparatory class. The scholarship can be combined with a BCS. Applications are made online until October 15 on the Simplified Procedures website .
Other loans and aid may be granted, in particular by the Ministries of Culture or Agriculture. Find out more from the Crous and/or your training establishment.
- State – guaranteed student loans , with no guarantee or means test, are offered by banks: Société Générale, Crédit Mutuel, CIC, Banques Populaires, Savings Banks of the BOCE group). Crédit Agricole, Banque Postale, BFCOI (Réunion and Mayotte). Maximum amount: €15,000.
- Regional councils award scholarships to students enrolled in social or paramedical training. Check with training institutions. Some municipalities have introduced the RME (minimum student income). Inquire directly with each community to find out about the timetables and the allocation criteria.
- Private foundations offer scholarships, often to students at the end of their course. Examples: Fondation Giveka or Entraide Hostater, Legs Lassence or